Macaúbas Landfill Gas Project
This project is in Sabará, Minas Gerais State, Brazil and generates electricity from solid waste.
The project consists of capturing, burning and generating electricity through the use of landfill gas (LFG) produced under anaerobic conditions in the landfill called “Central de Tratamento de Resíduos Macaubas” (CTR Macaubas). It has generators that burn LFG to produce electricity, using part of the electricity for self-consumption and the other part exported to the grid. The LFG power plant has a generation capacity of up to 10 MW upon completion of the project. The LFG capture and collection systems and the flare station consist of a network of LFG pipelines and a flare station, equipped with flares, centrifugal blowers and all other supporting mechanical and electrical subsystems and accessories necessary to operate the system. To ensure efficient LFG capture and maximum quality, compaction and sanitary coverage of waste are carried out daily, as well as the connection of vertical drains. The project is registered under the United Nations (UNFCCC)
Benefits (SDG)
7 – Renewable energy generation
8 - Promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
13 – Greenhouse gas emission reductions
The project also allows integration with the local community, giving lectures and courses on issues related to basic sanitation, climate change and renewable energy.
The project contributes to generation of jobs and revenue for the municipality through the payment of taxes.