Manaus Landfill Gas Project
The landfill is located in the center of the Amazon Forest, in the city of Manaus, Amazonia State, Brazil. The project complies with the most rigorous environmental controls to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project generates electricity for its own consumption. The project's last emission was 342,264 of carbon credits with a monitoring period between 2021 and 2022.
The project collects landfill gas from the Manaus landfill to generate electricity and the surplus is burned through a high efficiency enclosed flare.
Currently there is a generator group that uses landfill gas as fuel to generate electricity just to meet its own demand.
It is planned to generate electricity for the grid, where the total installed capacity will be 19.2 MW (12 motors of 1.6 MW each). The estimate is that generation of up to 68,591 MWh will be reached in 2026.
The Project is registered with the United Nations (UNFCCC) and the Gold Standard.
Benefits (SDG)
5 - Company has gender equality policies with women occupying leadership positions
7 – Renewable energy generation
8 - Promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
13 – Greenhouse gas emission reductions
The project also allows integration with the local community, giving lectures and courses on issues related to basic sanitation, climate change and renewable energy.
The project contributes to generation of jobs and revenue for the municipality through the payment of taxes.