Santiago Poniente
This landfill is located at Fundo La Ovejería s/n, Camino La Rinconada, Maipú, Región Metropolitana, Chile and generates electricity through landfill gas from the decomposition of solid waste.
The project aims to capture and burn landfill gas produced in the landfill called “Relleno Sanitario Poniente - RSSP” located in the Santiago city, Chile. The first phase of the project consists of installing an effective system for capturing, collecting and burning methane (a greenhouse gas). These actions reduce odors and adverse environmental impacts. During the second phase, the project installed generator sets to produce electricity through landfill gas with an installed capacity of 4.0 MW, using part of the electricity for self-consumption at the landfill facilities and the excess part is exported to the Chilean national electricity grid.
The Project is in the process of being registered with Verra/VCS.
Benefits (SDG)
7 – Renewable energy generation
8 - Promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
13 – Greenhouse gas emission reductions
The project also allows integration with the local community, giving lectures and courses on issues related to basic sanitation, climate change and renewable energy.
The project contributes to generation of jobs and revenue for the municipality through the payment of taxes.