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Climate change is a global challenge that does not respect borders and requires coordinated efforts between countries, the private sector and society in general. Count on us to achieve your goals!

We have a wide range of services to offer, with highlights in:

  • Project registration

    Regulated market and voluntary markets
  • Negotiations of environmental green assets

  • Participation in carbon public calls

    national and international carbon public calls for trading environmental assets (World Bank, NEFCO, BNDES, German government etc.)
  • Revalidations

  • Verifications

  • Greenhouse gas inventories

  • Neutralization of corporate and individual CO2 emissions

    We have large experience in the carbon markets, such as:

    The Core Carbon Principles

    The Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) are ten fundamental, science-based principles for identifying high-quality carbon credits that create real, verifiable climate impact. Developed with input from hundreds of organisations, they set a global benchmark for high integrity in the voluntary carbon market to raise it to a consistent level of quality and ensure it accelerates progress towards the 1.5°C target.

    Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

    The CDM is one of three mechanisms defined by the Paris Agreement for certifying emission reduction projects around the world. These projects produce certificates, which each refer to a single tonne of carbon dioxide (tCO2). These carbon credits can be traded and used by companies to neutralize/compensate their emissions.

    Verified Carbon Standard (Verra/VCS)

    The Verified Carbon Standard (Verra/VCS) is a global standard for validating and verifying voluntary emission reductions. Any emission reductions that are validated and verified by Verra/VCS must be real, measurable, permanent, additional, unique, transparent, conservatively calculated and checked by an independent verifier. Methodologies from Verra/VCS are closely based on the rules at UNFCCC.

    Gold Standard

    The Gold Standard is a voluntary carbon offsetting program. Gold Standard additionally requires the ecological, social and economic added value of a project to be periodically checked by a validator. The Gold Standard is the highest quality project standard and was co-developed by World Wide Fund for Nature Inc (WWF).

    Global Carbon Council (GCC)

    The Global Carbon Council (GCC) is a voluntary carbon offsetting program that aims to assist the organizations reduce their carbon footprints, help sectoral economy to diversify by adopting low-carbon pathways and catalyze climate actions on ground.


    Cercarbono is a standard with a voluntary carbon certification programme that facilitates and guarantees the registration of Climate Change Mitigation Programmes or Projects (CCMPs), the certification of emissions, and the registration of the carbon credits generated by these initiatives.

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    Where are we
    • Alphaville

    • São Paulo - SP

    • CEP: 06.541-038

    • +55 (11) 2614-9383

    • +55 (11) 3549-4369

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