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Oeste de Caucaia Landfill Project Activity

This project is located in the city of Caucaia, metropolitan region of Fortaleza, State of Ceara, Brazil. The project has a biomethanization plant that exports the biomethane to the local natural gas network (CEGÁS).


Sanitary Landfill


Annual Generation of Credits



    ** Sustainable Development Goals



      The objective of the project is to avoid the emission of greenhouse gases generated at the Oeste de Caucaia landfill through the capture, purification (Biomethanization) and injection of biomethane into the local natural gas distribution network (CEGÁS), contributing to environmental sustainability, social and economic, in addition to minimizing the effects of climate change and reducing local air pollution.

      The Oeste de Caucaia landfill (Ecofor) is a municipal landfill for urban solid waste (MSW) located in the city of Caucaia, State of Ceará, Brazil. Applying the most modern landfill gas capture technology, a landfill gas collection system was installed to prevent the emission of methane into the atmosphere. The captured landfill gas is sent to the processing unit (Biomethanization) before being injected into the local natural gas distribution network of CEGÁS – Companhia de Gás do Ceará (local supplier of natural gas), where it corresponds to around 16% of the entire flow of gas in the CEGÁS distribution network.

      The Project is registered with the United Nations (UNFCCC) and is in the process of registering with the Gold Standard and Verra (VCS).

      Benefits (SDG)

      5 - Company has gender equality policies with women occupying leadership positions

      7 – Renewable energy generation

      8 - Promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

      13 – Greenhouse gas emission reductions

      The project also allows integration with the local community, giving lectures and courses on issues related to basic sanitation, climate change and renewable energy.

      The project contributes to generation of jobs and revenue for the municipality through the payment of taxes.


      Where are we
      • Alphaville

      • São Paulo - SP

      • CEP: 06.541-038

      • +55 (11) 2614-9383

      • +55 (11) 3549-4369

      • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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