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1- Uma das melhores empresas
Chosen the best company for carbon credit projects development
2- Neutralize suas emissões
Compensate your emissions
3- Torne sua empresa carbono neutro e seja reconhecido por isso
Make your company carbon free and be recognized for it
4- Sustentabilidade orientada por valor
Value driven sustainability
5- Mercados de carbono 2023
World Carbon Markets
Carbon Credit Compliance
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About Us

Your best choice for generating carbon credits, trading environmental assets and neutralizing CO2 emissions.

BENG is a consulting company focused on generating carbon credits, trading environmental assets, neutralizing CO2 emissions and low carbon policies.

The company has high-level professionals with extensive experience in the areas of energy, sanitation and forestry, to ensure maximum excellence in the development and execution of its projects.

BENG is a consulting company focused on generating carbon credits, trading environmental assets, neutralizing CO2 emissions and low carbon policies.

The company has high-level professionals with extensive experience in the areas of energy, sanitation and forestry, to ensure maximum excellence in the development and execution of its projects.


Millions of carbon credits already issued


Projects located in several countries.

Certified by ISO 9001, ISO 37001 and it was the first company in Latin America certified by ISO 37301 (Compliance) in April/2022.


Even though working for almost 20 years in the carbon market, BENG team has never had a project, monitoring report or any process rejected in the Carbon Standards (UNFCCC, Verra, Gold Standard, GCC, Cercarbono, CORSIA, etc.).


Sustainability for us, is not just the speech, it is our daily routine.

BENG has ISO 9001 certification since 2015 and in 2018 the company became the sixth company in Brazil to be certified in the ISO 37001 Standard (anti-bribery management system).


We have large experience in the Carbon Markets

By having an efficient structure, BENG makes it possible to carry out services with excellent results and reduced deadlines. We work aligned to 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.


We have large experience in the Carbon Markets

By having an efficient structure, BENG makes it possible to carry out services with excellent results and reduced deadlines. We work aligned to 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

  • Project registration

  • Negotiations of environmental assets

  • Participation in public calls

  • Revalidations

  • Verifications


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      Where are we
      • Alphaville

      • São Paulo - SP

      • CEP: 06.541-038

      • +55 (11) 2614-9383

      • +55 (11) 3549-4369

      • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      Follow on social networks