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BENG: Strengthening Leadership in the Carbon Market in Latin America

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BENG participated in the North America Climate Summit (NACS 2024) in New York from September 24 to 29, 2024. Recognized as the leading carbon market event in the United States, NACS offered BENG the opportunity to showcase its extensive project portfolio, highlighting its commitment to high integrity and reliability. This recognition reinforces the company's commitment to sustainability, social impact, and shared co-benefits with its stakeholders.

The company was widely acknowledged for its ability to deliver premium projects in the waste handling and disposal sector (mainly landfill projects), receiving praise for its track record of excellence and its established projects across Latin America. “Our strong presence in the region and the experience of many of our professionals, active in the market since 2006, are key differentiators, especially when compared to new companies in the sector,” said João Sprovieri, BENG's engineering manager.

The trust observed from other market players was evident, reinforcing BENG’s position as a reputable and resilient name in the carbon market. During the event, the company expanded its network, connecting with developers, brokers, technology experts, associations, and certifiers. The positive feedback received strengthens BENG’s successful trajectory and validates its strategy of continuous expansion and innovation.

Where are we
  • Alphaville

  • São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 06.541-038

  • +55 (11) 2614-9383

  • +55 (11) 3549-4369

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