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CTR PE Landfill Gas

The landfill is located in Igarassu city, Pernambuco State, within the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil and generates electricity through landfill gas from the decomposition of solid waste.


Sanitary Landfill


Annual Generation of Credits



    ** Sustainable Development Goals



      The “CTR-PE” is a privately owned landfill that receives Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from the northern region of the city of Recife and the surroundings of smaller cities such as: Igarassu, Itapissuma, Itamaracá, Abreu e Lima, Paulista and Olinda. The CTR-PE landfill is located at Igarassu, Pernambuco State, Brazil and it is within an area of 85 hectares. The landfill began receiving MSW in April 2008, operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and full waste receiving capacity is expected to be completed in 2028.

      The landfill has an impermeable of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cover under a leachate drainage system to protect the ground water. Solid waste is properly disposed of in specific areas, mechanically compacted, and soil material being excavated for future cells is used for daily waste cover. This type of operation complies with current local and national environmental regulations, prevents the infiltration of leachate into the soil and the proliferation of insects and small animals around their area.

      It currently has a total installed capacity of 6.3 MW, consisting of 6 engines of 1.05 MW each, corresponding of 52,878 MWh/year.

      The Project is registered with the United Nations (UNFCCC)

      Benefits (SDG)

      7 – Renewable energy generation

      8 - Promotion of sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

      13 – Greenhouse gas emission reductions

      The project also allows integration with the local community, giving lectures and courses on issues related to basic sanitation, climate change and renewable energy.

      The project contributes to generation of jobs and revenue for the municipality through the payment of taxes.


      Where are we
      • Alphaville

      • São Paulo - SP

      • CEP: 06.541-038

      • +55 (11) 2614-9383

      • +55 (11) 3549-4369

      • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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